First off, where would I be without my lovely lady over in France? If I lived in France and stumbled upon this girl on the streets, I'd probably just go ahead and marry her. Elle est très belle. Je t'aime Kumi' Ko :D
My friend and co-worker Cynthia had a brief comedic conversation about wearing sheer garments without actually wearing something appropriate underneath. Of course I'm not really going to walk out of my house with a black lace crop top and nothing underneath! My bewbies aren't that glamorous to show off to the world. But I do have some sort of self respect. If I wasn't going to work, I'd probably get away with just the black lace crop top and my actual bra. And to be honest, I'll always suggest that to customers whenever they're trying to go out and meet dudes or just trying to go out and feel sexy and really confident in themselves. Everyone's trying to be original so that's going out the window. You have to attempt to make yourself stand out little by little, day my day. Most people think I'm an alien, or that I'm white. Either way, you gotta set yourself up to be in front of everyone else around you. Even if it doesn't work out in your favor, you still tried and you can take your mistakes and learn from them. If everyone around you is wearing button ups with bandeaus, then wear a button up with your actual bra and see what happens. If everyone around you has purple hair, then why don't you dye it green? Same concept, different picture.
Anyways, I'm not really ashamed of what I look like. Not saying I'm proud either, but I'm at a decent level. So if I really wanted to, I could walk right on over to Target next door with my bra and oversized woven shirt and a pair of cut off shorts and my combat boots. It's not like these people know me or care about me. I don't know them and I don't care about them ha! With fashion you have to take risks. You have to mold yourself into a character that's reckless, relentless, ruthless, and just plain out fucked up. What bothers me is when people say, "I think that's cute but I could never make that work." And then I ask, "Well have you tried it?" And their response is, "No but I just know it won't work out." How do you know until you've tried it? How do you know until you've actually worn that outfit for longer than 5 minutes and in a public area? To be honest, I felt that way about harem pants. I felt like I wasn't tall enough to wear them. However, I did try them on and with a pair of strappy Alex Wang-like heels, look at me. I'm wearing harem pants successfully. If my cousin Da were around still, he'd think those pants were so dope on me. And he'd be so proud of me that I am still alive and kickin' it and still walking in his memories. Carrying him in my heart. Building my confidence to be stronger. I love you Daboy.
H&M lingerie is probably the best damn lingerie that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Super cute, super scandalous, and super cheap. Yeah, I may work for Forever 21, but I would much rather buy a bra and panty set from H&M anyday. The bra that I'm wearing in the pictures below was $1 on clearance. Even on clearance you can look funky. I'm all about clearance. Don't think I have tons of money! Every chance I get to get a steal deal I'm going for it. And thrift stores? Don't even get me started.
Oh! Tonight is floorset for Forever 21. Every store in the company, I'm assuming, is changing the entire floor to house different concepts and trends for the summer. If I'm lucky, I'll take pictures of my team and I in the act of visual merchandising.
If I were a house wife, I'd probably dance in my bra, underwear, and an oversized woven to someone funky, worthy of bringing back old school Le Tigre. Yes, Deceptacon.
My friend and co-worker Cynthia had a brief comedic conversation about wearing sheer garments without actually wearing something appropriate underneath. Of course I'm not really going to walk out of my house with a black lace crop top and nothing underneath! My bewbies aren't that glamorous to show off to the world. But I do have some sort of self respect. If I wasn't going to work, I'd probably get away with just the black lace crop top and my actual bra. And to be honest, I'll always suggest that to customers whenever they're trying to go out and meet dudes or just trying to go out and feel sexy and really confident in themselves. Everyone's trying to be original so that's going out the window. You have to attempt to make yourself stand out little by little, day my day. Most people think I'm an alien, or that I'm white. Either way, you gotta set yourself up to be in front of everyone else around you. Even if it doesn't work out in your favor, you still tried and you can take your mistakes and learn from them. If everyone around you is wearing button ups with bandeaus, then wear a button up with your actual bra and see what happens. If everyone around you has purple hair, then why don't you dye it green? Same concept, different picture.
Anyways, I'm not really ashamed of what I look like. Not saying I'm proud either, but I'm at a decent level. So if I really wanted to, I could walk right on over to Target next door with my bra and oversized woven shirt and a pair of cut off shorts and my combat boots. It's not like these people know me or care about me. I don't know them and I don't care about them ha! With fashion you have to take risks. You have to mold yourself into a character that's reckless, relentless, ruthless, and just plain out fucked up. What bothers me is when people say, "I think that's cute but I could never make that work." And then I ask, "Well have you tried it?" And their response is, "No but I just know it won't work out." How do you know until you've tried it? How do you know until you've actually worn that outfit for longer than 5 minutes and in a public area? To be honest, I felt that way about harem pants. I felt like I wasn't tall enough to wear them. However, I did try them on and with a pair of strappy Alex Wang-like heels, look at me. I'm wearing harem pants successfully. If my cousin Da were around still, he'd think those pants were so dope on me. And he'd be so proud of me that I am still alive and kickin' it and still walking in his memories. Carrying him in my heart. Building my confidence to be stronger. I love you Daboy.
H&M lingerie is probably the best damn lingerie that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Super cute, super scandalous, and super cheap. Yeah, I may work for Forever 21, but I would much rather buy a bra and panty set from H&M anyday. The bra that I'm wearing in the pictures below was $1 on clearance. Even on clearance you can look funky. I'm all about clearance. Don't think I have tons of money! Every chance I get to get a steal deal I'm going for it. And thrift stores? Don't even get me started.
Oh! Tonight is floorset for Forever 21. Every store in the company, I'm assuming, is changing the entire floor to house different concepts and trends for the summer. If I'm lucky, I'll take pictures of my team and I in the act of visual merchandising.
If I were a house wife, I'd probably dance in my bra, underwear, and an oversized woven to someone funky, worthy of bringing back old school Le Tigre. Yes, Deceptacon.

Again, steal a shirt from your guy friend and just don't give it back.
Avec l'amour,
I love le tigre <3